Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hummingbird Speed

Hummingbird on apple tree branch
Day 3 of my 30 poems of April poetry challenge in which I am striving to write at least one poetic verse every single day.

This will be 3 down and 27 to go as I submit a poem about hummingbirds focusing on their speed and sounds.

Flapping hummingbird wings move so quickly when they fly that they look sort of like hand-held accordion fans. At quickened speed, hummingbird wings take on a bit of a v-shape that begins small at their bodies and widens as it moves upward till reaching their wingtips.

Now for the hummngbird poem.

Hummingbird Speed

Itty-bitty hummingbirds

Flapping wings with lightning speed

Hover near flowers and trees

Flying feathers barely seen

Often tweeting as they fly

Hummingbirds repeat their cry

Twitter twitter tweet tweet tweet

Here they come...

Don’t they look sweet!
Written by R. Renée Bembry
April 3, 2013

You can leave a poem of your own or help a kid leave one for others to read in the comments section below... Also, feel free to comment on what you think of this one.

Thanks for visiting!

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