Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Have You Ever Eaten Off The Floor?

Did you know reading and writing poetry helps improve academic skills?
Today is the 30th and final day of my 30-day poetry-writing spree. I would like to say it has been a blast! Though challenging and more work than I initially intended. After beginning my quest, a need to add accompanying pictures and videos came shining through. This, of course, made perfect sense. So, I decided to take those tasks on as well.

You can check out all 30 of the April 2013 poem-a-day offerings to share in my adventure; and if you are an adult, don't forget to share with a kid (or two... or three... or more!).

So now... without further ado… I give you the 30th April 2013 Poetry Month poem…

Have You Ever Eaten Off The Floor?

Ever dropped a potato chip

Light and salty and crisp

Right on the floor

In front of your feet

Making you yell with a lisp

Candy bar ever flip from your hand

Soon as you tore off the wrap

Reached to grab it

Quick as you could

Still it slipped down from your lap

Whenever it is

Whatever that falls

We rebuff to toss bonbons in trash

The idea of fingers tossing yum deserts

Conjures acts of performing things rash

Since no one wants goodies to go to waste

While tongues salivate to savor a taste

When accidental spills we bechance to face 

Eating by default should not yield poor taste

In other words - when a yum goodie falls

Down to the ground making you sore

Long as it’s gum candy or chips

If no need exists to lift with your lips

Choose if you like to eat from the floor

You know what this means

If it doesn’t cause slips

Or splash like soda drippidy drips

There is no need to skippity skip

Little floor-eating nippity nips

Devour those goodies

Pay heed to these tips
Written by R. Renée Bembry
April 30, 2013 (Updated 5/9/2013)

I hope you enjoyed this silly poem about eating off the floor. You can leave a poem of your own, especially one about eating from the floor, in the comments section below. Plus, don't forget you can help a kid leave a poem for me and others to read in the comments section as well...

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Do you believe in the 5 second rule when it comes to eating off the floor? Some people do...


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